116th Day As An iOS Developer

February 18, 2016 - 116th Day As An iOS Developer

THURSDAY - One of my main tasks for today is to rebrand the project that I am handling. From a name composes of two words to a name that consists of one word, just like the Facebook. Facebook came from the name The Facebook. Anyway, so I began the task. I refactored/renamed all the files that has the word 'OldProjectName' to 'NewProjectName'.

Well, at first it all went well, I edit the project name, schema name, and all the info in the project's info.plist. I even made a new app ID on developer.apple.com, made new provisioning profiles, and certificates. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, I gave up. There were tons of errors in the project. I realised that I should've edited only the names visible to the end user to make my life easier.

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