6th Day As An iOS Developer With No Experience

photo from: zombies4breakfast

September 10, 2015 - 6th Day As An iOS Developer With No Experience

Thursday - I’m feeling heavy right now. It’s because of the responsibility that I have for the project. I’m the only iOS Developer in my company. Actually, let me tell you first the story of my company. 

My new company (not mine, the company that I’m working for of course) will be named in this post as myCompany1, is in fact a start up company, I’m not sure when this company was established. Next, the elder sister of this myCompany1, will be named as myCompany2. I’m an employee of myCompany1 but I’m currently or usually staying at the office of myCompany2 because this myCompany2 has 4 senior iOS Developers. 

I like doing my work in their office because their like stackoverflow offline for me. I can shoot questions to them whenever I wish to, or rather whenever I’m really stuck and not able to find solutions from the web.

Next paragraph, about feeling heavy, darn that app. What I have currently right now is the first tab (ui) of the app. I can’t see the future of this app in my hands right now. I hope that the management is just testing me and joking. They should’ve hired someone better than me, more intelligent than me. 
Someone with experience. 

Also, what I don’t like in my new company is the fact that I don’t have any idea if this is a real project. Why aren’t they watching over me? And what if I wouldn’t be able to meet my deadline? Why would they trust the project of one of their clients to me? They are not providing even a code review. Gahhhh! Okay, so this is enough for today, I think. Thanks for reading.

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