7th Day As An iOS Developer With No Experience

September 11, 2015 - 7th Day As An iOS Developer With No Experience (before)

Friday - I think this is the most depressing day so far in my stay here in the new company. I’m frustrated tonight (I’m here at the apartment already). I have no progress yet in the project. Probably 5% of progress or less. When I’m checking the workflow of the project, I’m getting scared. I’m doubting myself more. I actually thought of having an unapproved over time tonight. Unapproved OT means OTy (not paid over time). So I stayed until 9:00 PM in the evening at the office, together with our CTO. I could’ve left the office at 6:00PM, since my shift starts at 9:00AM in the morning. 

Read here… Continuing my story for this Friday… Fridays are supposed to be fun, right? Darn this Friday. I miss my boyfriend, although we usually meet during weekends (yeah, tomorrow is Saturday), I’m missing him every day and every night. I’m actually crying right now. What the heck??? Crying because I’m scared of this responsibility. Should I leave the company right now? Leave this big opportunity? Start wasting money again for job hunting? Yeah, I’m thinking right now to make AWOL (absence without leave). Of course I’m going to leave my things owned by the company, such as test devices - iPhones and the MacBook Pro. I have learned nothing much today. 

 Oh! I even asked my CTO a while ago (during my stay at the office, before I left) a serious question: “Sir, is sir (insert name of my manager) really serious that I’m the one who is going to finish this app and this is required to be submitted and done onSeptember 25”. He answer: “Yes, why? Do you find it hard?”… I was like what the heck? Of course dear sir. I’m having a hard time. It’s my 7th day and I’m not event trained. But I’m doing my best! I’m praying to the Lord for wisdom and knowledge. Ok, this is really enough for today :).

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